Originally delivered on 5/26/2024 12:33 pm

SUBJECT: DeBakey PTO Newsletter - May 26, 2024

DeBakey PTO

DeBakey PTO Newsletter

May 26, 2024

In This Issue

Important Upcoming Dates

School News

  • Uniform Donations
  • Senior Signing Day - Donations Needed
  • Honors Orchestra Recital
  • Cookies for Community Fundraiser for Class of 2026
  • Honor Your Graduate or Loved One with the a Benefactor Wall Plaque
  • Revised Summer Reading
  • Class of 2028 Resources


  • Spring Graduation Information
  • Invitation to Participate in Chronic Absenteeism Survey
  • Learn more about HISD’s potential bond proposal
  • Parent and Family Engagement Survey
  • HISD Daily Source

Student Spotlight

Odds and Ends

  • HCC Apprenticeship Programs | Logistics & Freight Apprenticeship Programs
  • 2024 Summer College Search

  • May 27 - Memorial Day (no school)
  • May 31 - Senior Trip to Fiesta Texas
  • Jun 04 - Senior Signing Day - All
  • Jun 05 - Last day of School for students
  • Jun 05 - Senior Sunset at Hermann Park, Breakfast, Graduation Practice from 9AM-10:30AM
  • Jun 07 - 7PM - Class of 2024 Graduation - Delmar Stadium

Senior Signing Day - Donations Needed

If you are able, please consider donating snacks for our upcoming Senior Signing Day to be held in the gym on June 04. We want to make sure our seniors have a memorable sendoff! View the SignUp Genius form here. Please deliver the snacks to the front office by June 03 and label it "PTO Senior Signing Day".

If you would like to make a monetary donation, you can Zelle president@debakeypto.org and set the memo to "Seniors".

See How You Can Help!
Honors Orchestra Recital

The Honors Orchestra students' recital was very successful. The students had a lot of fun sharing their music. Thank you Mr. Stewart for organizing it, and thank you parents for contributing to a nice reception.

PTO Orchestra Committee

Honor Your Graduate or Loved One with a Benefactor Wall Plaque

Become a permanent part of DeBakey's legacy with a $500 donation.  Your donations are tax-deductible and will optimize the success of the entire student body and teachers.

<< Donate Now >>

Revised Summer Reading

9th Grade: English I:

  • The Curious Incident of the Dog at Night-Time (Mark Haddon) - Novel
    **incoming 9th grade students: if you have already completed English I in the 8th grade, you will need to read the novel(s) assigned to English II.

10th Grade:

  • English II and English II HADV/PAP: Animal Farm (George Orwell) - Novel
  • English II HADV/PAP additional - Of Mice and Men (John Steinbeck) - Novel

11th Grade:

  • English III and AP Lang. and Comp: The Crucible (Arthur Miller) - Drama
  • AP Lang. additional - Just Mercy (Bryan Stevenson) - Nonfiction

12th Grade:

  • English IV and AP Lit. and Comp: Things Fall Apart (Chinua Achebe) - Novel
  • AP Lit. additional - As I Lay Dying (W. Faulkner) - Novel
Class of 2028 Resources

A warm welcome to our new Class of 2028 parents!

Here are some resources aimed at our new rising freshmen

Class of 2028 Resources
Spring Graduation Information

Information is subject to change. Please visit https://www.houstonisd.org/Page/201449 for the latest information.

Guest Tickets and Parking

HISD police will be available to direct traffic in and out of the graduations. There are no fees associated with parking; however, please practice safety while locating a parking space.

Seating will be limited and require ticketed access at HISD Fieldhouses and NRG Arena. Campuses will provide additional information on tickets and seating.

Bag Policy and Screening Measures

In keeping with HISD’s core value of student safety, all graduates and guests will be screened using metal detectors and/or security wands. To expedite movement of guests through the lines to enter the facilities, we strongly encourage guests not to bring any bags, however, if needed then consider a bag that is clear (size recommendation no larger than 12” x 6” x12”) or carry a small clutch purse (size recommendation 4.5” x 6.5”) approximately the size of a hand. All bags are subject to search.

Prohibited Items

  • Please note that failure to comply with guidelines may result in denial of entry and/or ejection from the venue.

    • Disorderly conduct
    • Smoking/Vaping
    • Use and/or possession of alcohol or drugs is strictly prohibited
    • Firearms, explosives or weapons of any kind are not allowed
    • Laser pointers
    • Littering
    • Noisemakers, air horns, cowbells, whistles
    • Flowers/bouquets
    • Use of drones
    • Balloons, confetti, powder, large posters, signs, and streamers
    • Outside food (clear water bottle is permissible as applicable for health needs)
    • Glitter (thrown)
    • Wandering away from the designated areas or into restricted areas
    • Any item deemed inappropriate for the event by Houston ISD staff

Senior Attire

Graduates will dress in appropriate attire under their academic regalia and must have their cap and gown upon entrance to the venue. Graduates may want to consider wearing heels of modest height as they will be walking up steps and steep ramps to access/exit the stage. Campuses will contact parents of graduating seniors to provide more information on ordering their cap and gown.

Graduates are allowed to wear:

  • academic medals and/or athletic achievement they have earned throughout their high school journey,
  • honor cords representing various achievement (such as honor societies, clubs, or academic excellence, 
  • HISD ribbons denoting a specific accomplishment, 
  • graduation stoles symbolizing their academic journey or other stoles with the approval of the campus principal/designee,
  • decorated and/or personalized graduation cap with the approval of the principal/designee. 
  • No electronic devices including cellular phones will be allowed onto the venue floor by the graduates.

Learn more about HISD’s potential bond proposal

HISD is exploring a bond to prioritize the District’s most urgent needs, including an aging facility infrastructure that’s become more critical in the aftermath of last week’s storm.

Your feedback in this effort is very important to this process.

HISD’s newly named Community Advisory Committee will hold four community meetings to share information about specific facility needs and gather feedback about the District’s proposed priorities.

Please join us for one or more of the following meetings:

  • Tuesday, May 28, 6-8 p.m. - Forest Brook Middle School
    7525 Tidwell Rd, 77016
  • Thursday, May 30, 6-8 p.m. - Cornelius Elementary School
    7475 Westover St, 77087
  • Saturday, June 1, 10-11 a.m. - Virtual
    (access information will be shared soon)
  • Tuesday, June 4, 6-8 p.m. - Fondren Middle School
    6333 S Braeswood Blvd, 77096
  • Wednesday, June 5, 6-8 p.m. - Fleming Middle School
    4910 Collingsworth St, 77026

Please RSVP hereWe hope to see you there.

Learn more about the Community Advisory Committee and its members here.

Invitation to Participate in Chronic Absenteeism Survey

As part of our commitment to understanding and addressing the challenges faced by our students, we invite you to participate in a brief survey on why students miss school. By taking this survey you will help us better understand the reasons behind why students miss school and develop additional support to ensure all HISD students can make it to school and thrive academically.

Your participation in this anonymous survey is voluntary. The survey should only take about 10 minutes to complete. You must be 18 years or older to participate in this survey.

Follow this link to the Survey:
Take the Survey

Parent and Family Engagement Survey

We want to know your views on how well your child’s 2023–2024 Title I school partners with you to improve the academic quality of your child’s or children's education this school year.  

The survey should take about 10 minutes. Your views will be kept confidential.  
Please submit your survey(s) by Friday, June 7, 2024. If you need help, please contact staff at the school.  

Follow this link to the Survey:
Take the Survey

Or copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser:

HISD Daily Source

HISD partner Hazel Health offers no-cost telehealth services to all HISD students

HISD partner Hazel Health offers no-cost telehealth services to all HISD students virtually at home and on campus. You can sign up and make an appointment with a healthcare provider here: https://www.houstonisd.org/telehealth

HISD is here to help students with their instructional, educational, and personal needs

HISD is here to help students with their instructional, educational, and personal needs as we get them back into the classroom. Assistant Principal Nikia Johnson shares the amazing work that Paige Elementary School is doing to ensure students finish out the school year strong: https://vimeo.com/948440628

HISD is hosting community meetings

HISD is hosting community meetings to ensure District families have an opportunity to share their priorities and feedback on the state of HISD facilities. The Community Advisory Committee will lead this process by hosting community meetings to collect feedback and share information about specific school facility needs to inform the District’s proposed priorities. Learn more: https://www.houstonisd.org/Page/202247

Junior Beatrix Gnemi has been participating in the Young Investors Society (YIS), with the goal of becoming a Certified Young Investment Analyst. There are usually about 15-20 CYIATM achievers each year in the U.S. and about 20-30 worldwide.

As part of the program, she participated in the Texas Regional Stock Pitch competition and was chosen as one of the Top 100 Global winners. She has been invited to represent DeBakey at the Global Stock Pitch Competition at Cornell Tech University in NYC from May 29th to May 31st.

We wish her the best of luck!

DeBakey Quiz Bowl team is at National Championship Tournament in Atlanta, Georgia. Wishing them the best of luck! 

Go Quiz Bowl Vipers!!!

HCC Apprenticeship Programs | Logistics & Freight Apprenticeship Programs

The Houston Community College (HCC) Apprenticeship program is hosting in-person and two virtual events for graduating seniors interested in Logistics and Freight. The HCC apprenticeship program offers on-the-job training, classroom instructions, mentorship from experienced professionals and opportunities for growth within the industry. The duration of the program varies.

May 29th 4:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
(Virtual): https://hcc.idloom.events/fratch-apprenticeship-information-session3

May 29th 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
(In-Person): HCC Southeast Campus (6815 Rustic St., Houston, TX 77087)

Learn more about the Gulf Coast Region Apprenticeship Hub at hccs.edu/apprenticeshiphub

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